To protect against fraud when purchasing or leasing vehicles, it is crucial to thoroughly check all details, including information about ownership rights to the vehicle, registration data, and vehicle specifications from the registry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

- information on all vehicles registered to the individual,
- technical specifications and data on the latest vehicle registration.

- Owned vehicles can be verified by the TIN of an individual or the USREOU of a legal entity. The verification is possible on this page or through the «Monitorno» bot on Telegram.
- Vehicle registration data and specifications can be obtained using the license plate number or VIN code. The verification is possible through the «Monitorno» bot on Telegram.

- Verification of the owned vehicles by TIN/USREOU costs UAH 36.
Users of the StatusControl service can make up to 5 free requests for vehicle ownership verification per month. - Vehicle’s license plate and VIN number verifications are free!