Protect yourself from fraudulent loans, obtained with your lost passport

The loss of a passport is an unpleasant situation, which, in addition to the efforts necessary for restoring it, can result in fraudulent loans obtained in the name of the owner.
Identity theft, using other people’s documents for obtaining loans, remains one of the most popular fraud schemes. Every day, the Bureau receives applications from victims of credit fraud.

In order to prevent the document from being used to obtain a loan or perform another transaction with property of money, you should register your passport as lost, so that the creditors / transaction parties can identify the invalidity of the document and thus avert an attempted fraud. Moreover, it is important to do this as quickly as possible, since in most cases, fraudsters will not hesitate to try using the document right away.

For the purpose of making quick records of lost documents and prevention of credit fraud, the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit Histories maintains its own register of lost passports.
You can record your lost passport in this register online, through your personal account on the bureau’s website, or via the chatbot.
Even if you are not sure about the loss of your passport, but cannot find it, we recommend that you report the loss. Later, the passport is found, you can always cancel your application.
Reporting to Ukrainian Bureau of Credit Histories does not eliminate the need for mandatory reporting both to the police (if the document was stolen) and to the State Migration Service (the passport office).