Identification by phone number and full name

Identification of an individual based on data from the bureau’s database by verifying the match of the phone number and full name provided in the application.

How does it work?

The identification procedure involves matching the phone number and full name, provided by the Partner, with the data available in the bureau’s database. In the event of successful data verification, the report will include complete identification information about the credit history subject (CHS).

What’s included in the report?

Currently valid identification data of a borrower and the data update history.


Comment from the credit history subject, notification of passport loss, dispute of information constituting the credit history, temporary refusal of credit by activating the FREEZE option, history of credit history adjustments, certificate of financial literacy test completion, and information about the possible death of the individual.

Confirmation of CHS contacts

Contact details and history of changes.

Identification by phone number and full name

Verification result of the input full name and phone number with the data in the bureau’s database

What problems does it solve?

Identification by phone number and full name allows for remote verification of the client’s identification data and obtaining all available identifying information, contact details, and alerts for this individual.

Report processing:

After signing the contract-application and receiving the login and password for database access, the report will be available in XML format.

This method of obtaining a report allows you to automate the process of sending requests to the bureau and ensures that you can work with the information in the format that suits you best.
General structure of interaction:
Http Method
Request URL
Test URL

A report request is possible only with the consent of the individual.

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