Borrower’s current ID data and the history of changes made to it.
Application Score
Assessment of default probability based on the borrower’s application data.
This decision is particularly useful for assessing the risk of issuing a credit to borrowers whose credit history is either uninformative or absent.
A value from 0 to 1 that determines the probability of late payments of over 100 UAH that are at least 90 days past due within a 6-month period on a credit being considered.
Model development;
API development and implementation;
10,000 free reports for testing;
Monthly monitoring of the quality of model distribution;
Model calibration during one year after implementation, in case of distribution changes.
To build an individual scoring, the following is required:
Sample for model training. The required number of records is 10,000 or more;
Sample markup into «good» and «bad»;
Description of the business process for scoring application;
Description of data for model training.
Details and terms of development are negotiated individually.
Apply for cooperation